Equine Podiatry

A horse’s feet have a big job to do. They are solely responsible for supporting your horse, providing a foundation for proper posture, and helping them to walk, trot, gallop, and run. As a result, any issues with a horse’s feet and hooves can have negative effects that cascade throughout your horse’s body, affecting almost every part of the horse’s musculoskeletal system. As a result of the serious impact of foot health on the horse as a whole, the majority of lameness issues and other pain and soreness that horses can experience often stems from problems in the foot.

What to Expect During an
Equine Podiatry Appointment

Our equine specialists at Jackpot Veterinary Center work directly with clients and their farriers to examine your horse’s hooves, complete and evaluate diagnostic imaging scans, and then create an action plan and ongoing management that will best fit the horse’s needs and contribute to the horse’s ongoing success and health.

Each podiatry appointment can vary based on an individual horse’s needs and condition. However, most equine podiatry appointments begin with a physical examination and a set of digital radiographs.

After discussing our findings with you and your farrier we can develop a plan together; to relieve painful symptoms and improve performance while also addressing the underlying cause of your horse’s hoof issues.

To best meet your horse’s podiatry needs, promote healing, and improve performance, we strongly encourage you to invite your farrier to your horse’s appointment at our facility. This allows our veterinarians to work directly with you and your farrier to most effectively develop and implement a multi-faceted treatment plan.

close-up of a horse hoof with horseshoe

What is a Venogram?

A venogram is a procedure that allows us to see the vessels in the hoof. This can be very helpful to determine if an area of the foot has inadequate blood supply and what can be adjusted to either mechanically or surgically improve the blood flow. This modality can be helpful in laminitis cases, as well as if the case a horse has a tumor within the hoof (keratoma).

The procedure for this involves injecting a contrast into the vessel of the distal limb and taking a series of radiographs.

Working With Our In-House Equine Podiatry Specialist

As part of our comprehensive equine care services. Dr. Smogor has a special interest in equine podiatry (farriery), and after graduating from Oklahoma State Horseshoeing School in 2011, she continued to shoe horses while attending veterinary school. Since becoming a veterinarian, she has continued her education and specialized training in equine podiatry.

To learn more or schedule an appointment with one of our highly skilled equine veterinarians, we welcome you to contact us today.

Close-up of a horse's leg and hoof with acupuncture needles inserted.

Farrier Radiographs

We try to make it as easy as possible to have your horse evaulated for annual shoeing changes.

Our Farrier, Dave, is available onsite at Jackpot about every six weeks to perform farrier radiographs. To view the next date, view our Upcoming Events or call us at (520)999-3888.

Exterior view of a veterinary center named Jackpot set against a cloudy sky.



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