Diagnostic and Imaging
At Jackpot Veterinary Center, our veterinarians are pleased to have the ability to work with a variety of diagnostic imaging and testing capabilities when it comes to examining and diagnosing our small animal patients. Diagnostics provide invaluable information to veterinarians that can be useful when diagnosing a pet, providing ongoing care for managing chronic diseases, and more.
Small Animal Diagnostics at
Jackpot Veterinary Center
Laboratory Testing
We are fully equipped to run blood tests in the clinic. This enables us to evaluate your pet’s health by looking at complete blood counts, blood chemistry values to evaluate organ function, thyroid function, blood glucose levels and more. Our referral laboratory services offer a multitude of tests for helping to determine a diagnosis or confirming health in a pet. The best test for your pet will be determined during your consultation examination with our veterinarians.
Diagnostic Imaging
We have a comprehensive diagnostic imaging suite available in the clinic for assisting with the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions. Our diagnostic imaging suite includes both digital x-rays and ultrasound imaging.
Ultrasound provides a moving, real-time image of a patient’s internal structures. It can be used to provide detailed imaging of abdominal structures to provide a diagnosis in critical care situations. Ultrasound can also be used to provide an in depth examination to determine treatment plans for chronic conditions. We can use ultrasound in a variety of clinical situations.
Microscopic evaluation of blood films, small tissue samples, and samples of discharge from ears or skin can help determine a diagnosis for your pet immediately. In some cases further evaluation may be needed and will be sent to our referral laboratory service to be interpreted by a pathologist. Slides can be made from aspirates and other suspensions to help determine the etiology behind a substance or mass. If in house analysis is non-conclusive the slide can be sent out and interpreted by a pathologist.
Digital x-rays provide still images of a patient’s internal structures. These x-rays require minimal exposure times, making them incredibly safe for all patients. Additionally, they can be easily enhanced and shared with a (outside remove) veterinary radiology specialist for consult, whenever necessary.
Surgical Assistance
Diagnostic imaging, especially ultrasound, can be an incredibly useful aid during surgery such as operations to remove ingested foreign objects.
Why Does Your Pet Need Diagnostic Testing?
There are several instances when we might recommend diagnostic testing for a pet including:
Sick Pet Appointments and Urgent Care
Pets have no way to describe how they are feeling, and descriptions of symptoms and physical examinations can only provide a limited amount of information. We use diagnostic testing and imaging to help determine the underlying cause of a pet’s illness or the extent of a pet’s injury.
Routine Health Screening
We might recommend diagnostic testing as a part of your pet’s routine health screening. This especially applies to older pets whose health can change quickly. Routine blood tests help our veterinarians identify the earliest signs of systemic health problems, as they develop. As a result, we can often intervene and provide treatments before your pet even experiences symptoms.
Pre-Surgical Exams
We routinely run bloodwork to evaluate a pet’s organ function before performing any surgical procedure that requires the use of general anesthesia. This ensures pets are healthy enough to safely undergo the procedure at hand.
Comprehensive Diagnostics and Veterinary Care for Small Animals in Tucson
We are proud to provide a variety of in-clinic diagnostic testing which enables our veterinarians to provide the highest quality of care to our patients. To learn more about why your pet might need diagnostic tests or to find out more information about your pet’s test results, we welcome you to contact Jackpot Veterinary Center in Tucson today.